Trend-hopping? That was SO last year

The social media world moves so fast these days it’s hard to keep both feet on the ground! 

That’s why hopping on trends is so easy

You don’t need to spend hours brainstorming an idea, and you get that quick gratification of a swarm of likes.

Simples, right?

Ermm, we hate to burst your bubble, but some trends can be really damaging to your brand  📉

We’ve come up with a few reasons why you might wanna leave trend-hopping in 2022…

👩‍💻 It can make you look unprofessional

Lots of reel content at the minute is spawning from the minds of Gen Z. And while a trend might get you a few cheap laughs in the moment, long term, it could damage the integrity of your business. 

Make sure that if you’re gonna jump on a trend, it aligns with the tone of your business and what your audience wants to see from you. If you think it’ll make you cringe in six months, or worse, alienate potential customers, keep it in your drafts folder. 

👥 It can attract the attention of the wrong kind of follower 

So you’ve just posted a lip-syncing reel, you check your phone, and it’s got THOUSANDS of views. The problem? It’s got absolutely nothing to do with your niche.

Viral trends go viral because they’re relatable to the masses. But that’s not how you build a community. The likelihood is the people viewing your video give it a double tap and forget all about it a second later. 

Any marketing strategy worth its weight takes a while to settle before you see organic conversions. So centre your content around your niche. You might not immediately get the sales you were hoping for, but trust the process.  

🐑 It can make you look like a sheep 

By definition, trends are trends because everyone’s doing them. Learn from your competitors? YES. Outright copy them and lose your originality? NO. We’re all for trying new things, but the kind of clients you wanna attract should want you for you

Plus, if you don’t build your content pillars, there will come a time when you're all dried up for ideas and will feel lost in your own brand.

Remember, authenticity is always gonna be on trend. As all our fave teachers used to tell us – be the first-class version of yourself and not the second-class version of someone else!


You got all that?! If you want a bit more guidance on building the perfect community, check out our posts on Instagram for more valuable insight 💖


13 reusable ideas to supercharge your story strategy and get you LOADS of engagement.


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