13 reusable ideas to supercharge your story strategy and get you LOADS of engagement.

We’re here to shout out the unsung hero of marketing tools. 


‘Stories come and go so quickly, what’s the point in putting effort into them’ we hear you ask?!

Well, according to recent research, for 42% of Insta users say their favourite activity on the app was watching stories. That was 2% more than those whose top activity was scrolling through their feed! 👀(Source: Finances Online) 

That’s a lot of time spent and engaged eyes that could be absorbing your content. 

Equally, as a busy business owner, you probably don’t have time to come up with captivating frames every morning. 

So, we’ve done the heavy lifting for you and given you 13 stellar story ideas you can reuse time and time again ♻️

  1. Shout out a customer who’s been killing it this week.  

  2. First thing in the morning, list out your itinerary for the day and attach a ‘questions’ sticker to ask your followers what they’re up to. 

  3. Use the poll feature to pose a debate relevant to your niche. 

  4. Post a poll asking if they wanna hear more about a topic you’ve discussed in a recent in-feed post you think deserves some love. In the next frame direct traffic to said post. 

  5. Use the countdown tool to hype up an upcoming event.


  6. Share a post from an account that has really resonated with you. 

  7. Host a Q&A using the questions tool, asking followers what they want to see more of from you or questions they have about your niche.  

  8. Do a team takeover day once a month, in which a team member takes your followers through a typical day in their life. TOP TIP: If they record these frames as videos, repurpose them for a reel. 

  9. Post some recent testimonials/reviews, and remember to highlight them for your followers to refer to. 

  10. Share a weekly podcast, blog, or reel that you’ve loved that week, and think your followers will love too. 

  11. Share a memory that has impacted your business, and record a video of yourself reflecting on it. *remember to include subtitles* 

  12. Screen-record a website, platform, product or service to which you want to give some attention, and include a link sticker to direct footfall there. 

  13. Promote and share a new reel, and hide it with a relevant sticker to peak curiosity. 

Make sure to screen-shot these so you’re never without story inspo! Oh, and if you wanna read up about more marketing tips and tricks, follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram 🤍


Trend-hopping? That was SO last year