Businesses in the Wellness Sector…

Fill Your Wellness Business With Hot, High-Quality Leads & Clients In The Next 21 Days

…without having to create fancy lead magnets, complicated tech set-ups, or having to post on social media every day to get fresh daily leads.

Sell Out Your Services Via One Master Funnel That Attracts, Nurtures & Converts High-Quality Leads Auto-Magically

Health & Wellness Businesses… Does this resonate?

❌ Is your existing lead flow, lead quality and the way you’re marketing right now reflective of the sales targets you have for your wellness business in 2024 & beyond?

❌ Are you or your team still depending on your existing network,  hustling it out in the DMs, posting on social media daily, cold calling or sending dozens of emails out in order to secure your next customer?

❌ Do the results from your existing marketing feel underwhelming, especially for the level of overwhelm it creates?

❌ Are your marketing channels not working together to relieve the pressure of having to show up on social media or perform outbound marketing in order to be able to make sales?

❌ Is your audience not as engaged as they could be, and your leads are drying up because you’re not bringing enough fresh ideal clients into your audience consistently?

✅ Do you want an automated way to build a consistent flow of dream client leads so that you never have to wonder again where your next client is going to come from?

If this sounds like you, and you’re craving a PROVEN approach that guarantees you more brand awareness, more leads, and more saleswithout sleazy strategies or selling your soul to social media…

⬇️ Click the button below to book a free call and find out how! ⬇️


What if your marketing did the heavy lifting for you so that leads find their way to your services effortlessly?

What if your funnel reduced decision fatigue and made your audience go, “Yep, I need that service!”?

Waking up to an inbox flooded with ‘You got a new lead!’ notifications from hot leads who are eager to sign up to your offer…

What if you had an automated funnel so powerful, that you could fill your business with an influx of HOT, high-quality, data-rich leads, for your services, every day, with ease?

What if you could have one stupidly powerful lead funnel that supported sustainable scaling, that automates your brand awareness, your audience growth, your email list growth and creates a sizzling lead pipeline for your wellness business?

How much more free time would you have to focus on helping people live better

And isn’t that why your wellness business was built in the first place?

Ready to meet your dream team ?

Hey, Ayse here👋

Founder of Surge Social, a boutique digital marketing agency.

Since 2018, we’ve supported thousands of businesses go from hustling hard…to generating so many, that they often need to upgrade their CRM or email marketing subscription.

At Team Surge, we know that small-to-mid-sized businesses grossly overcomplicate their marketing, preventing them from becoming the ’big daddies’ of their industry.

So we help you to get strategic, and simplify. You could be getting a much higher return on your marketing (and creating a MUCH greater impact with your wellness business) from doing much less.

How? By streamlining your lead attraction, lead generation and lead conversion into ONE powerful assessment funnel, paired with paid ads, to bring in an evergrowing flow of high-quality leads – cheaper and faster than anything you’ve tried before.

At Team Surge, we have in-house graphic designers, web designers, copywriters, ads specialists, and marketers, so not only do we create a high-converting master funnel, but once we’ve done that, we help you generate a fresh influx of NEW dream client leads, on a daily basis, without you needing to lift a finger.

So if you’re ready to launch a powerful client-converting funnel in the next few weeks and receive DAILY, high-quality leads

Click the button below to book a complimentary call and find out exactly how we do it.

Our clients have featured in:

What our clients say:

They were my absolute ideal client.

"I added 500 ideal clients to my list in a week! Not only that, they were very targeted people, they were my absolute ideal client that I have now brought into my audience that had never heard of me before!"


“Omggg the funnel has been AMAZING!! I signed 2 new VIP clients from it within the first few weeks, one to a VIP day and one to my 6 month VIP mentorship programme! I still get people signing up to it and joining my world without me promoting it at all! It's such an amazing lead generators, it's saved me so much time, helped me grow my audience and brought in income too 🤩 Thank you! XX” 


We specialise in helping wellness businesses automate 90% of their marketing to pack their inboxes with hundreds of new leads and enquiries from DREAM clients every single month…

In a 100% sleaze-free, authentic, and ultra-sustainable way.




  • Holistic Wellness Training Academies

  • Wellness Retreats

  • Health Consultants

  • Therapists

  • Nutritionists

  • Dental Clinics

  • Spas and Medispas

  • Fitness Studios

If you’re ready to discover the one master funnel to sell out your services auto-magically on a daily basis…

Let's create you a custom funnel that brings you daily leads in just 21 days.

Ready to never have to wonder where your next client is coming from again?

Make sure you get a pen and paper ready for our call because we’re going to be going over everything you’ll need to do this.

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