The Love Actually quotes that perfectly explain the rollercoaster of taking on a new client

It’s that time of year again! 

If you’re anything like us, soon you’ll have now dragged out your most hideous Christmas pyjamas, be lighting candles daily, and cosying up to watch your favourite festive films. 

What’s our personal fave we hear you ask?!

❤️‍🩹It’s LOVE ACTUALLY - of course ❤️‍🩹

(Credit: Universal Pictures)

It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve watched it, time and time again, it just HITS!

Not only does it get you in all the festive feels, but there are some great lessons to be learnt from the characters of the film. Because, let’s be honest, taking on a new client/customer does feel a bit like the start of a new relationship. 

So here it is, our favourite Love Actually quotes that perfectly explain the rollercoaster of taking on new clients…

Karen: "There was more than one lobster at the birth of Jesus?"

Get your facts right. You want to make sure that you’re fully aligned with the wish lists of your ideal client. So make sure you’re prepared and do a bit of digging. 

When taking a customer-first approach, you HAVE to learn what they want to see from you first. That way, you can personalise their experience, and make sure they’re getting the most out of your service.  

Natalie: “I did have an awful premonition that I was gonna f**k up on the first day. Oh, piss it!” 

First impressions are important. Think about the spaces that potential customers are first seeing your brand. In the same way that you’ll be swotting up on them, they’ll OBVIOUSLY be doing the same for you. 

Ask yourself is my messaging clear? Am I making it as easy as possible to be a service they want to invest in? Is my branding cohesive? 

Juliet: “I look quite pretty” 

Okay, so we’re not all going to be able to pull off the low-waisted jeans and a baker boy cap combo as well as Keira Knightly. But we can deffo embody her confidence. 

You’re an expert at what you do, and that’s the reason they’ve shown interest in you. So don’t let that pesky imposter syndrome get the better of you. 

Sam: “Let's get the sh*t kicked out of us by love!"

In any new client relationship, you have to be willing to take risks. Some things are going to stick, and some things just aren’t. But you won’t get anywhere by playing it safe. 

It’s time to bounce some ideas around either with said client or with members of your team and set yourself out from the crowd. That being said, as much as confidence is key, you won’t get far making big promises you can’t fulfil, so don’t overstretch yourself. 

Jamie: “Alone again, naturally.”

Has communication gone dry? Are you worried they’re talking to other people? Is money becoming a problem? Sound familiar? 

Don’t cheapen yourself for the sake of a customer who doesn’t appreciate you. It’s so much more powerful to have a smaller, saturated community of customers who LOVE what you’re about than a bigger one spoiled by time wasters. 

Billy: "It's a terrible mistake, Chubs, but you turn out to be the f**king love of my life." 

Maybe one of the best things about starting any venture is the people who’ve supported you from the off. Don’t forget about them!

Not only are repeat customers great for growth, but what they think about you and your service/product is invaluable market knowledge. So, surround yourself with their opinions - good and bad - and use them to guide how you deal with future audiences.

✨Got all that?! If you want to see more from us, give our LinkedIn and Instagram a follow for more free marketing insights. ✨


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