3 takeaways from Aldi's social media strategy

Aldi’s social media is a masterclass in how to create a loyal, engaged online community. 

✨ Why? ✨

There are 3 main reasons why:

  1. Aldi knows *exactly* what it’s known for. 

  2. It embraces and plays up to that. 

  3. It’s not trying to mimic its competitors or mould itself into something it’s not. It feels like a conversation, not marketing. 

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it thousand times more: social media is SOCIAL

The Aldi Twitter account reads like a group chat full of in-jokes and memes. This generates tons of engagement and user-generated content. It’s pretty standard for Aldi to quote-tweet users and go viral. 

Honestly? It’s funny AF

Aldi’s funny posts grab attention and make people laugh, which makes the content *highly* shareable. 

The reason it works is that, according to the experts, humour sells best. We buy from people we like and humour is fundamental to forming positive relationships. 

But there is more to learn from Aldi than just their ability to create funny content. 

So we’ve put together key takeaways from Aldi’s social media strategy that you can apply to your business:

  • Aldi is a brand that’s “for the people”. It positions itself as affordable and accessible, and that’s fully reflected in the tone of voice in their marketing. If Aldi was a person, how they communicate online is exactly as you’d expect!

  • If you base your strategy purely on likes, you won’t go far. It’s comments and conversations that actually matter! Something for you to think about while you laugh at Aldi’s Twitter. Engage your followers and create content that sticks in their minds and makes them want to leave comments and share with friends, rather than just a like.

  • Humour is a powerful and often underused tool in marketing. It breaks down walls + shows the human side of a brand. What’s more, humour is linked to higher recall. In other words, if your message is imbued with humour, your audience is more likely to remember it.

So what can you do to infuse your brand with more personality? 

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