20 email prompts for your business

E-mail marketing can be tricky and headache-inducing! But it’s a vital part of your business. Effective email marketing can convert prospects into clients and turns one-time buyers into repeat customers. 

E-mail marketing can be tricky and headache-inducing! But it’s a vital part of your business. Effective email marketing can convert prospects into clients and turns one-time buyers into repeat customers.


And without going into an in-depth list of all the reasons you should be prioritising email marketing, all we will say is that email marketing has the highest ROI of ANY marketing platform. This means all those hours you’ve spent scrolling through Instagram to find trending audios for your next Reels could have been spent a whole lot more wisely with your email list *gulp*.

There is more! According to Litmus, 54% of all emails were opened on a mobile device. That means that you can reach your clients on-the-go, in real-time. But reach alone isn’t enough….

The question is: how do you get them to find your emails open-worthy?

✨ It all starts with a killer topic! ✨

We know. Adding yet *another* piece of content to your plate is not what you need right now.  But worry not! We’re here to make things EASY. In fact, we’ve prepared a list of 20 e-mail prompts for you to make the process of e-mail marketing a little bit less stressful for you. 

You don’t need to thank us, we are your biz bestie after all! 😉

  • People loveee a recommendation (hello, TripAdvisor!). Keep it informative, and useful and your subscribers will lap it up!

  • Position yourself as the expert you well and truly are and get people hooked on receiving the inside scoop from you. Let them know your industry predictions for the upcoming months.

  • That e-mail prompt never fails! Stats are interesting… did you know 91% of consumers use email (according to a HubSpot survey)? Find some relevant (and ideally, thought-provoking) data and share it with your list!

  • Your clients subscribe to your e-mails because they want to know what you think and what you are up to. GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!

  • We do love a nice and easy “curation” style prompt! Choose whatever caught your attention recently and let your list explore it too.

  • As Brandon Mull said once: “Smart people learn from their mistakes. But the real sharp ones learn from the mistakes of others”. Let your audience learn from your challenges, and allow this to humanise your brand to develop deeper connections with your subscribers.

  • A bit of self-promo never hurt nobody. Rather than simply sharing a testimonial, take it one step further by sharing what you learnt from working with that client, displaying your knowledge whilst also showcasing your work.

  • A quick way to come up with a catchy e-mail is to create a top list for a topic that’s hyper-relevant to your audience. Lists are easy to go through and highly consumable, so they can make for a higher read rate!

  • #CollaborationOverCompetition. Find someone with a complementary skill / from a complementary industry to yours to support your subscribers further and keep your audience interested and engaged.

  • When launching a new product or service, be sure to announce it on every platform. Your e-mail subscribers should be included in that too!

  • This is a great topic, especially if you work with business owners! People want your raw and real truths.

  • Let’s be honest… who DOESN’T love a secret?! Share some with your list to make them feel like your real VIPs.

  • If it’s tough for you, it’ll be tough for your subscribers too! And it’s a good promo showing what you can do for them once they work with you.

  • As we said before, it’s even better to learn from the mistakes of others! Let your clients learn with this value-driven content prompt.

  • Share some juicy updates for the upcoming Quarter. This is a great place to pitch and drive opt-ins for an upcoming event/launch.

  • Inspire your list through what you use. What’s useful for you will be useful for them too!

  • Have you hired a new team member? Have you launched a new service? We know you’re probably operating at 100 miles per hour, so be sure to let your audience know so they can try and keep up!

  • If you’re struggling with tips and updates, a thought-provoking bit of inspiration is always a fail-safe! And if coming up with your own quote or affirmation is proving difficult, Google some inspirational quotes and share a story around why you like it and why it’s relevant for your audience (be sure to credit the original source!). You never know who might be needing a bit of inspo.

  • There’s a reason we make a HUGE majority of our content value-based. It’s a super simple way for our audience to see *just* how much we know about the world of marketing, and is a huge part of how we get clients who want to trust an expert to do it for them!

  • Even if you’re not a personal brand, your brand needs personality. Share a BTS of you, your team or your company to connect on a far deeper level with your ideal clients.

✨Now go ahead and get cracking with creating some high-converting email campaigns!✨

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